VALTELLINA boasts nearly 85 years of history in the field of telecommunications animated by a constant desire for innovation. The company works with the most important TLC players for the development of fixed fiber networks and 5G mobile networks. It also learns the specific skills to grow in diversified sectors, including mobility infrastructures (railways, roads, airports, etc.) and core synergical IT / ICT activities, among which Smart Cities and Smart Roads stand out. An important sinergical sector for TLC is also the one of technological suites for energy monitoring and control. Great attention even to the “green economy” also confirmed with the construction of charging stations for electric vehicles and LED lighting systems, particularly appreciated by public administrations. Valtellina, in the last few years, has decisively strengthened its positioning also in the 4.0, Smart Manufacturing and Internet of Things sectors, thanks also to its participation in the Intellimech Consortium and AFIL. It works also in – Technological Division of Valtellina. It develops applied research, with innovative solutions for the manufacturing industry and services market.

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